
A report confirming that the injection of hydrogen into the gas distribution network is possible under current gas legislation, has been released by Energy Networks Australia.

The report, conducted by law firm Johnson Winter & Slattery, details the results of analysis of existing Commonwealth, state and territory legislative instruments and regulations.

Energy Networks Australia CEO, Andrew Dillon, said the findings would help inform work on the National Hydrogen Strategy.

“There are already trials under development by gas distributors that aim to blend renewable hydrogen into existing gas networks.

“Hydrogen can play an important role in not only helping Australia’s gas networks decarbonise, but as energy storage. Flexible hydrogen production can help soak up excess renewable electricity on sunny and windy days, then fuel cells can generate emissions-free power on still evenings,”  Mr Dillon said.

As demonstrated in Energy Networks Australia’s Gas Vision 2050 report, hydrogen’s scope is impressive, with potential to widen customers’ power options, improve and increase renewable generation, provide options for mobility and even create a new energy export Market.

“Funding for research and development, backed by bipartisan national support, will drive the commercialisation of hydrogen technologies,” Mr Dillon said.

Energy Networks Australia is supporting the Future Fuels CRC and is working with Chief Scientist, Alan Finkel, who is leading the development of the National Hydrogen Strategy.

“Establishing a strong, domestic hydrogen industry will allow for the development and acceleration of Australia’s hydrogen export industry.”

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