TasNetworks Chairman, Dr Dan Norton, has announced the appointment of a new non-executive Director to the TasNetworks Board.
The three-year appointment of Roger Gill was formally approved by shareholding members at the TasNetworks Annual General Meeting. Mr Gill’s appointment fills the vacancy following the retirement of director Kevin Murray.
“Roger brings a wealth of industry knowledge and expertise with broad experience in the electricity, water, agriculture, transport, infrastructure development and construction sectors,” said Dr Norton.
In addition, Mr Gill is Managing Director of his Hydro Focus international consulting company specialising in renewable energy in Australia, Asia, Africa and South America.
Mr Gill is also a Vice President of the International Hydropower Association (UK), Deputy Chairman of Tasmanian Irrigation, a Non-Executive Director of Pacific Hydro (Aust.) and Tinguiririca Energy (Chile).
Mr Gill is a former Non-Executive Director of Tasmanian Railway (TasRail), Tasmanian Water and Sewerage Corporation (Southern Region), and member of the Tasmanian Renewable Energy Industry Development Board.
“The experience Roger brings from his past appointments will be a great asset to TasNetworks as we execute our plans against a dynamic agenda,” Dr Norton said.
Director, Jane Sargison, was also reappointed to the Board for a further three years.
“Along with the efforts of all TasNetworks team members across the business, these appointments to the TasNetworks Board place us in great shape to achieve our goals moving forward,” Dr Norton said.
Dr Norton also recognised the contribution of retiring Director, Kevin Murray. Mr Murray was a Director of Transend Networks and a member of the Transition Board which oversaw the formation of TasNetworks.
“I wish to thank Kevin for his significant contribution to the Tasmanian energy industry through his membership of the Transend and TasNetworks Boards,” Dr Norton said.