Robertstown solar project

Plans have been released for a proposed 500MW (AC) utility-scale solar photovoltaic and battery storage plant near Robertstown in South Australia.

Development consultant Energy Projects Solar (EPS) plan to construct the project across a 1,800 hectare site approximately 5km north-east of the Robertstown township. Robertstown Solar is to integrate into the National Electricity Market through a 275kV connection to ElectraNet’s Robertstown Substation in South Australia.

Robertstown Solar will meet approximately 1 per cent of the Federal Government objective to achieve an additional 33GW of electricity from renewable sources by 2020 under the Renewable Energy Target.

The Project has received Crown Sponsorship for Robertstown Solar. The Robertstown Solar Development Application has been submitted to the State Commission Assessment Panel.

The Development Application process includes the opportunity for the community to comment about the project when the State Government exhibits the Development Application.

The Project Connection Application through ElectraNet, for connection to the South Australian electricity grid, is running concurrent with the Development Application.

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