Aerial view of Hydrogen Park South Australia (HyP SA). Image courtesy of Australian Gas Infrastructure Group.

Australian Gas Networks (AGN) has announced the expansion of its blended renewable hydrogen gas to thousands of additional customers.

AGN is part of the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) and runs the $14.5 million Hydrogen Park South Australia (HyP SA), which is currently Australia’s largest renewable hydrogen facility at 1.25MW, and was underpinned by a $4.9 million grant from the South Australian Government. 

Since May 2021, HyP SA has supplied up to 5 per cent blended renewable gas to more than 700 homes in the Adelaide suburb of Mitchell Park, which has strongly embraced its status as the recipient of Australia’s first renewable blended gas. 

In relation to the project, a local resident recently said, “I have not noticed any change to my gas supply and am pleased to be helping to reduce carbon emissions.”

AGIG Chief Executive, Officer Craig de Laine, said the operations at the site have paved the way for HyP SA to deliver renewable gas to thousands of additional customers from its existing operations.

“HyP SA is an Australian first that demonstrates the low carbon future of gas supply by delivering a renewable gas blend to homes connected to our gas network,” Mr de Laine said.

“Its operations have provided critical learnings to establish the substantial new hydrogen industry. It has upskilled professionals, engineers, tradespeople and first responders throughout the energy industry.

“Most importantly, the customer response has been overwhelmingly positive. An increase to the number of customers benefiting from renewable blended gas is a key strategic step to delivering a carbon free gas supply to our customers in South Australia. 

“We believe that renewable hydrogen will play a key role in decarbonising gas usage for homes and businesses across Australia.”

South Australian Minister for Energy and Mining, Tom Koutsantonis, said, “HyP SA is paving the way for future renewable gas projects here and across Australia by demonstrating how electrolysers can support grid stability and decarbonisation of the gas network, while growing the market for South Australia’s abundant solar and wind resources.”  

In addition to its direct environmental benefits, HyP SA has facilitated engagement with thousands of stakeholders and visitors seeking to understand more about a renewable gas future. Its safety, leadership and innovation have been recognised through multiple Australian and international awards.

HyP SA also includes tube trailer refilling infrastructure to supply renewable hydrogen to industry across South Australia via road transport with project partner BOC, a subsidiary of Linde plc.

AGIG’s ambitions are to deliver at least 10 per cent renewable gas across our distribution networks by 2030, and AGN has a target of 100 per cent renewable gas conversion by 2040 as a stretch, and by no later than 2050. 

HyP SA is also the first of several renewable hydrogen projects AGIG is developing around Australia. 

Pending approvals, Hydrogen Park Murray Valley would be a 10MW facility delivering up to a 10 per cent (by volume) renewable gas blend to more than 40,000 homes and businesses in Albury and Wodonga by mid-2024. 

Additionally, AGIG has announced plans for a 10 per cent blended gas project in Gladstone, Queensland and is completing several feasibility studies relating to larger scale renewable hydrogen blending projects, including in South Australia.

Image. Aerial view of Hydrogen Park South Australia (HyP SA). Image courtesy of Australian Gas Infrastructure Group.

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