
Risen Energy’s 132MW Merredin Solar Farm has completed all pre-commissioning testing on major plant and equipment and is now in the stages of starting the commissioning process. 

Western Power and Merredin Solar Farm are doing functionality checks and getting ready for the first back energisation to start the live commissioning process. 

After all functions are checked and confirmed, Merredin Solar Farm will start exporting into the grid in four stages – Stage 1 will be at 20 per cent capacity, Stage 2 will be at 50 per cent capacity, Stage 3 will be at 80 per cent capacity and Stage 4 at 100 per cent capacity. This will happen over a pre-determined time as controlled by the Network Service Provider, Western Power.

On site, staff and contractors are undergoing rectification and adjustment works according to discoveries made during the QA process. The operations building has been installed on site and Risen are demobilising the temporary construction site offices and amenities.

Re-planning the resources and tasks to be completed on all work on site is being conducted within the current work guidelines to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all involved

Due to the COVID-19 situation, Risen has adapted their operations and business. They have taken extra care to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for their employees and external stakeholders.

About Merredin Solar Farm

Risen Energy (Australia) has almost completed the development of the 132MW Merredin Solar Farm.  Once fully completed, the solar farm will have an expected output of 274GWh of electricity annually, generating enough green energy to power approximately 42,000 Western Australian homes. 

Throughout all stages of the project, Risen Energy has been working closely with the Merredin Shire Council, the Commander of the local police as well as the Merredin Fire Chief, ensuring a great working relationship.

The Merredin Solar Farm is located on 460ha of former farming and grazing country adjacent to the Western Power Merredin Terminal and will connect to this facility at 220kV.

A diesel power station is also located adjacent to the terminal on Robartson Road.

Merredin Solar Farm will commission and commence power sales in late Q2, 2020. 

As owners of the Merredin Solar Farm project, Risen Energy (Australia) is progressing the project from detailed engineering design, through construction, commissioning and ultimately the operations. Risen Energy (Australia) are using their latest PV panel technology to allow it to supply power to the grid. Ultimately, integrated battery storage will be incorporated in the solar farm to provide continuous power during periods of peak demand. 

The Merredin Solar Farm has endeavoured to use as many local resources as possible including labour, equipment, contractors and accommodation. At the height of construction, over 400 personnel have worked on the solar farm site.

Once operational, the solar farm will require 2-5 full time workers to maintain the installation.

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