Work on Transgrid’s Queensland NSW Interconnector (QNI) is powering along, with the project expected to create 155 jobs and boost the economy in Tamworth and other towns in the region.
The project will increase the transfer of electricity between the states and provide customers with access to reliable, lowest cost electricity.
Transgrid Executive Manager Major Projects, Sean McGoldrick, said, “QNI involves upgrades to substations, transmission towers and lines, is expected to provide net benefits of $170 million* to electricity customers and producers and create about 155 jobs during construction.”
Preliminary works have been carried out in Tamworth, Scone, Dumeresq and Armidale since the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) announced final approval of the project in April 2020.
The QNI project has been fast tracked with the support of the Federal and NSW Governments, which provided a joint agreement to facilitate the upgrade.
Works will include the installation of innovative technology called static volt amp reactive compensators (SVCs) which will strengthen the system by providing greater voltage stability and regulation.
TransGrid teams have started working on the upgrades which include the replacement of transmission towers with twin pole structures along the existing transmission lines, strengthening existing towers and transmission line insulator works.
*The Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR) for the QNI Project found that the preferred option for the QNI Project is expected to deliver approximately $170 million in net benefits over the assessment period to 2044-45 (in present value terms).
For more information about the project, click here.
Access vision of the QNI construction: