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Energy Queensland has lodged updated submissions for Ergon and Energex’s network investment plans for 2020 to 2025 to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).

Queensland Energy Minister, Dr Anthony Lynham, said the updated submissions would ensure Queenslanders will receive safe, secure and reliable electricity all across the state.

“We have the energy trifecta here in Queensland: lowest prices on the eastern seaboard, reliable supply and a planned transition to a renewable future,” Dr Lynham said.

“These revised submissions will ensure residents all over Queensland will have access to reliable electricity, especially in times of natural disasters such as cyclones and bushfires.” 

Queensland’s energy network businesses have accepted the majority of the AER’s recommendations, with Queensland on track to have the largest bill decreases in the nation next year. 

The revised proposals may mean the average Queensland residential household and small business power bills will see significant reductions.

“With our state-owned assets we are delivering a safe and reliable power supply for all Queenslanders along with a planned transition to a renewable future,” Dr Lynham said.

The final AER Determinations will be handed down in April 2020, with new pricing coming into effect from 1 July 2020.

“No matter what happens now, the submissions are in, and we will accept the umpire’s decision in the final determination,” Dr Lynham said.

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