Premiers Awards

South Australia’s 12th Premier’s Awards in Energy and Mining were held on 9 November, where energy projects and programs were celebrated across energy generation, transmission, distribution and services sectors. 

A record 55 nominations resulted in 14 winners and 14 commendations across the 15 categories, showcasing the strength and diversity of South Australia’s energy and mining industries.

The individual awards recognise future leaders under 30 in various sectors across the industry. 

BHP’s Lakita Kean won the Young Indigenous Achiever Award. Ms Kean started at BHP as the only Indigenous person in her department. She works to improve workforce inclusion and diversity and helped form the Olympic Dam First Nations Ally Network.

Georgia Sleep, also from BHP, took home the Young Achiever Award. Ms Sleep supports the 3,000 FIFO workers at Olympic Dam as a village supervisor. BHP said that she works every day to lead with integrity and care with a strong commitment to community.

The Health and Safety Award for energy went to SA Power Networks for keeping communities safe from electric shock while working to maintain power supplies during the River Murray floods.

ElectraNet and the Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation share the Community Award in energy for an innovative approach to engagement that preserved heritage and enriched the cultural fabric of the Barngarla people during construction of the 270km Eyre Peninsula Link.

Energy sector awards

Projects and programs in the energy generation, transmission, distribution, retail, energy products and services sectors.


Winner: ElectraNet Pty Ltd and Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation for the Eyre Peninsula Link: Cultural heritage monitoring program. 

Commendation: Royal Automobile Association of South Australia for RAA Charge – South Australia’s EV charging network. 


Winner: The University of Adelaide for its project: Enhancing underground hydrogen storage assessment via forward geo-mechanical modelling during cyclic injection and production: Leveraging surface data from tiltmeters to assess deformation source intensity

Health and safety

Winner: SA Power Networks for its work responding to the River Murray floods. 

Commendation: SANTOS for its work improving health and wellbeing habits in a high-risk workforce. 

Inclusion and wellbeing

Winner: Santos for its Advocating for change – promoting an inclusive work environment project.

Innovation and collaboration

Winner: SA Power Networks for its Flexible Exports project.

Commendation: NDE Solutions and Santos for a corrosion identification and measurement product.

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