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The New South Wales Government has released a new interactive dashboard tracking the State’s progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The new Net Zero Emissions Dashboard shows how New South Wales is progressing toward its goal of net zero emissions by 2050, covering all sectors including transport, industry, agriculture, energy, waste, land use and forestry.

The Dashboard is powered by published data from the National Greenhouse Gas Accounts and by scientifically-derived state datasets developed by the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).

DPE’s Net Zero Emissions Modelling Lead, Dr Yvonne Scorgie, said, “New South Wales is the first Australian state to make greenhouse gas emissions projections out to 2050 and local-scale emissions data publicly available. 

“The Dashboard shows projected emissions by sector for each future year out to 2050, and the emission reductions expected to be achieved by the New South Wales Government’s Net Zero Plan Stage One: 2020-2030.

“Currently the projections show NSW is close to its goal of a 50 per cent reduction of 2005 emission levels by 2030.”

The new Dashboard provides access to past, recent and projected New South Wales greenhouse gas emission data. It also makes available emissions data by local government area across the state.

“This Dashboard is based on the best available science and for the first time allows access to comprehensive local scale greenhouse gas emissions data,” Dr Scorgie said.

“This will provide state and local government, business and communities with insight into emission trends, help inform actions addressing local emissions and make transparent progress being made towards achieving the state’s net zero emission goals.”

The Dashboard, which is funded by the New South Wales Climate Change Fund, will be updated annually and can be freely accessed on the SEED Environmental Data Portal at New South Wales Net Zero Emissions Dashboard.

Feature image: Provided. 

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