Northern Territory launches Climate Change Response

The Northern Territory Government is addressing climate change with the launch of its draft Climate Change Response, which outlines the climate risks and opportunities to create new economic and business prospects.

Across Australia, the transition to a low-carbon economy has begun. For the Northern Territory, a Climate Change Response will offer new opportunities for Territorians and Territory businesses while delivering social, economic and environmental benefits. 

The Climate Change Response aims to:  

  • Continue to facilitate the growth of renewables to diversify and strengthen the Territory economy and enable new export industries
  • Build on existing initiatives across the Northern Territory to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors, in line with the Territory Government’s long-term aspirational target of net zero emissions by 2050
  • Proactively respond to the impacts of climate change

All sectors within the Northern Territory need to be engaged to realise the benefits. The transition to a low-carbon economy needs to be carefully managed to ensure ongoing economic investment in the Northern Territory.

Low-carbon economic development is underpinned by the growth of a renewable energy industry and the Northern Territory is in the best position to capture opportunities like this. 

Solar is the cheapest form of new electricity generation, and the Northern Territory has one of the best solar resources in the world. 

There are skilled workers within the Territory who have experience delivering ambitious infrastructure projects, and an energy corridor for domestic and international renewable energy export that can meet the increasing demand for renewable energy from neighbours that include Timor-Leste, Indonesia, and Singapore. 

Growing the renewable energy industry will build further on the action the Territory Government has already undertaken across the Northern Territory.

NT Minister for Climate Change, Eva Lawler, said, “Climate change threatens everything that makes the Territory lifestyle great and that is why the Territory Labor Government has developed a Response for action.

“Territorians support action on climate change, want more renewables and want to see our environment protected for future generations.

“Responding to climate change helps us protect the things we value the most — the things we can’t put a price on — and will create economic opportunities for Territorians and Territory businesses through the creation of new industries and local jobs.”

Arnhem Land Fire Abatement (NT) CEO, Dr Jennifer Ansell, said, “The Climate Change Response will further strengthen the growing carbon industry in remote Aboriginal communities where there are few other industry and employment options.

“A strong Territory leadership on climate change policy is vital to growing the Indigenous Carbon Industry.

“In particular, the Territory’s aspirational target of net zero emissions by 2050 will continue to drive innovation and opportunity in the developing carbon industry and increase economic activity for existing and new Territory based carbon offsets projects.”

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