
Energy Networks Australia (ENA) and Energy Consumers Australia, have showcased how energy networks are engaging and working to meet consumer needs, in a newly released report.

The Consumer Engagement Report highlights submissions from energy networks to the 2021 Energy Networks Consumer Engagement Award.

ENA Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Dillon, said the report demonstrated the high level of consumer engagement network businesses were undertaking.

“Energy businesses across Australia are maturing their consumer engagement, which is pleasing to see,” Mr Dillion said. 

“The diversity and scale of entries highlights the ever-growing focus networks are placing on engagement with their customers and communities.”

Energy Consumers Australia CEO, Lynne Gallagher, said consumer engagement by energy network businesses had progressed and evolved enormously in recent years.

“Since the beginning of the awards in 2017, the standard of consumer engagement has grown exponentially as network businesses consciously incorporate consumer values, expectations and needs into their daily practices,” Ms Gallagher said. 

Run jointly by ENA and Energy Consumers Australia, the annual award recognises an Australian energy network that demonstrates best practice in consumer engagement.

The winner, Powerlink Queensland, received the award for its consumer engagement approach during its 2023-27 revenue determination process.

“By sharing this Consumer Engagement Report, which features our judging panel’s feedback and insights, we hope to spread awareness of what makes good consumer engagement and inspire all network businesses to implement these examples of best-practice processes and hopefully see even more innovative applications next year and into the future,” Ms Gallagher said. 

Read the Consumer Engagement Report here. 

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