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The Tasmanian State Government has welcomed Aurora Energy’s trial of a new product which uses advanced meters to provide customers with greater control and visibility of their energy use.

More than 70 Aurora Energy customers are trialling Aurora PAYG+ until December 2018, which enables customers to conveniently manage their account via a mobile app or online portal.

Aurora PAYG+ utilises advanced meter technology which empowers customers to monitor their daily energy usage and switch their energy consumption to lower priced time slots, through time-of-use pricing.

Product Development Manager, Leroy Pereira, said Aurora PAYG was over 20 years old and relied on ageing technology which needs replacing.

“The need to replace the current Aurora PAYG meters with advanced meters has provided Aurora Energy with the opportunity to create a new product, which offers all the control that we know our Aurora PAYG customers like, plus the added benefits of seeing when they use energy and being able to manage their account online,” Mr Pereira said.

Mr Pereira said ensuring a diverse range of Aurora PAYG customers had the opportunity to test and provide feedback on the product before it is launched in early 2019 was an important step in the process.

“We are testing a wide range of participants from the tech savvy to those with limited to no digital experience to get their feedback and help us ensure the new product is easy to use and meets their needs,” Mr Pereira said.

“One of the clear benefits is that it will save customers a visit to recharge agents to top up their account because now they can recharge whenever and wherever they want by using a phone, tablet or computer.”

Existing Aurora PAYG customers will soon receive information about the change, which will be rolled out by region across Tasmania over the next 12 months. Any current Aurora PAYG customers who do not wish to use Aurora PAYG+ will have the option of switching to another Aurora Energy product of their choice.

The Tasmanian Government has an ambitious target of achieving the lowest regulated power prices by 2022 and becoming fully self-sufficient in 100 per cent clean energy in the same time frame.

These targets are supported by this innovative product that will empower customers to personally manage their energy use and account payments.

While this is only a trial, the product has been designed to ensure that it will be user friendly by the time of its official launch early next year.

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