SA Power Networks and Electricity Retailers have updated the connection process in line with the AEMC’s Rule Change for Metering Installation Timeframes that will take effect from 1 February 2019.
Under the new update, Retailers are now required to install metering in six business days from when the site has been energised or otherwise agreed (once the necessary pre-conditions have been met) in accordance with the Metering Installation Timeframes.
If Retailers are unable to attend, they will now notify SA Power Networks, who will contact RECs and negotiate a new date. SA Power Networks will then confirm with the Retailer that their Meter Provider is scheduled to attend on the same day.
The updates will see no changes to the process for registered electrical contractors (RECs).
RECs will continue to book directly with SA Power Networks. SA Power Networks will continue to notify Retailers of the appointment date and confirm their Meter Provider is scheduled to attend on the same day.
RECs (or customers) are still required to liaise with Retailers to finalise the relevant details for the provision of metering and accept any associated terms and conditions.