A spare generator weighing about 255 tonnes is being transported from AGL’s Loy Yang A Power Station in Victoria for repairs in Germany.
Described as a “superload”, the convoy will stretch 108m and is travelling by road to Port Melbourne before being loaded onto a cargo ship.
Longer than an A380 Airbus, the convoy is so large it requires three prime movers to pull it. A fourth guides the load from behind.
The total weight of the convoy is 650 tonnes.
Significant route planning with VicRoads and the Victorian Government has been carried out to minimise delays.
As part of a maintenance schedule, the repaired generator will be brought back into service in late 2018.
Currently, all units at the Loy Yang A plant are in service.
AGL Loy Yang general manager Steve Rieniets said the move and repair of the generator will not impact operations.
“This generator was replaced with a spare generator during our planned outage in October,” Mr Rieniets said.
“It is now being sent back to the manufacturer, Siemens’ specialist workshop in Germany where they have the proper equipment and expertise for repair.
“This planned maintenance will ensure AGL Loy Yang can continue to be a safe and reliable provider of generation to the National Electricity Market.”
Mr Rieniets thanked the Victorian Government, VicRoads, Siemens and Lampson for their work ensuring the generator can be repaired in time for the 2019 peak summer period.
It departed Loy Yang A power station Thursday night 1 February 2018 and is expected to arrive in Port Melbourne Sunday morning 4 February 2018.