Peter Harcus

Recent changes in Australia’s energy landscape have meant the gas pipeline sector must adapt its approach to asset management.

Here, Peter Harcus, General Manager of Asset Strategy Gas at Jemena, discusses the way in  which Jemena is changing its approach to asset management to maintain value for customers.

Mr Harcus identifies increasing energy costs as the key factor which has led Jemena to change its approach to asset management over time.

“The increasing cost of energy – particularly the recent increase in gas costs domestically – has heightened the need for Jemena, and other members of the industry, to demonstrate that we are efficient and prudent in our investment and operating decisions.

“Jemena has achieved this by ensuring that all of our projects and expenditure are in the  long-term interests of our customers.”

This customer-based approach complements another key asset management trend in the gas pipeline sector – much greater scrutiny of gas providers’ social license to operate.

“Today, energy consumers want to know that when they turn on the lights or use an electrical appliance that they are accessing reliable, safe, and efficient energy that is also helping to reduce carbon emissions.

“Gas absolutely has a role to play in this energy future, and I believe It is up to the industry to recognise that we need to be far more proactive and transparent in explaining the merits of gas as a safe, reliable, efficient, and clean fuel that will continue to play an important role in the Australian energy mix.”

In his presentation, The role of an ISO 55000 Asset Management system in delivering pipeline safety, at the Asset Management for Critical Infrastructure Conference, running from 16-17 August in Sydney, Mr Harcus will share how Jemena is implementing an ISO 55000 Asset Management system and its role in delivering pipeline safety.

“Jemena has established a standard set of asset classes across sectors, which is complemented by a common asset management strategy for each asset class across states. It is one system of work.”

Implementation of ISO 55000

Hear more from Peter Harcus about Jemena’s changing approach to asset management in his presentation ‘The role of an ISO 55000 Asset Management system in delivering pipeline safety’ at the Asset Management for Critical Infrastructure Conference, running from 16-17 August at the Swissôtel in Sydney.

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