
The AER’s Draft Interim Market Liquidity Obligation (MLO) Guideline, one of six guidelines developed under the Retailer Reliability Obligation, is now open for consultation.

The National Electricity Rules will create the MLO, which will require obligated parties to post bids and offers for standardised electricity products on an approved exchange during certain trading windows.

The Draft Interim MLO Guideline also sets out the AER’s approach to assessing requests for approval of additional trading exchanges and standardised products, as well as its approach towards monitoring compliance with the obligation.

The AER will publish the final Interim MLO Guideline on 31 August 2019.

A final version of the MLO Guideline will be subsequently developed, using a full consultation process, and will be published by 31 December 2020.

Written submissions in response to any matter covered in this guideline, must be received by the AER before the close of business 10 May 2019.

Submissions should be sent electronically here with the following title in the email: For Consultation – Draft Interim Market Liquidity Obligation Guideline.

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