Mark McLachlan – Team Leader, Plant Assessor
If you were asked how’s your fleet looking, how would you respond? Are all items in PA and pre starts being completed and recorded daily? Your machines should be getting assessed and the actions coming from assessments being completed or managed, and the next assessment scheduled.
So, how’s your fleet looking? If you reply “pretty good” then that’s great, if not, you are not on your own, help is available to get everything on track quickly and cost effectively.
Service records are kept and all documents are in Plant Assessor — all this information is available at any time to your operators or people you supply your machine to.
This is a question that we ask Plant Assessor users regularly to ensure that they are getting the most from not only the Plant Assessor software but also from the services that we offer. We have a team of professional assessors that are on hand to help you with every aspect of fleet management using Plant Assessor. These services include –
● Getting your fleet into Plant Assessor accurtely and quickly
● Completing risk assessments thoroughly in line with your requirements including capturing machine hours
● Adding photographs, documents and service records
● Ensuring your assessment schedule meets your risk requirements
● Managing actions arising from the assessment process including attaching safety labels
● Ensure that all operators have access to Plant Assessor and know how to use the system to complete and share their daily pre-start checks
● Provide training for every aspect of the Plant Assessor software suite
Below is an example of a well-managed fleet through the Plant Assessor Assessment Dashboard – future assessments are scheduled and most actions are closed out.

An example of a fleet that needs a little work – most machines have actions, have not been assessed, or are overdue to be assessed.

With a little help from the guys and gals at Plant Assessor you can put your hand on your heart when asked, “how’s you fleet?” and reply, “All good thanks!”
Disclaimer: This information is intended to provide general information on the subject matter. This is not intended as legal or expert advice for your specific situation. You should seek professional advice before acting or relying on the content of this information.