Eleven Tasmanian organisations will install publicly available electric vehicle charging stations after receiving grants from the government’s Electric Vehicles ChargeSmart Grants – Destination Charging program.
The program will see stations set up in the North, South, North East, North West and East Coast at locations including public carparks at councils, businesses and visitor destinations.
The successful applicants are:
- Launceston Council
- Brighton Council
- Clarence Council
- Branxholm’s Tin Dragon Trail Cottages
- St Michael’s Collegiate
- Door of Hope Christian Church
- Waratah’s Bischoff Hotel
- Friendly Beaches Aquila Rise accommodation
- Derby’s Tin Mountain accommodation
- Launceston Drive Park Fly
Under the Climate Action 21: The Tasmanian Government Climate Change Action Plan, the Government has committed $500,000 to support electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
The Electric Vehicle ChargeSmart Grants – Fast Charging Program closed on Friday, 24 May and a number of applications were received that are now also being assessed.
The Fast Charging Program provides for grants of up to $50,000 to eligible organisations to purchase and install fast charging stations.