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CEO of Energy Consumers Australia (ECA), Rosemary Sinclair, will step down in early March 2020 after five years in the position.

Lynne Gallagher will be Acting CEO, effective from Monday 2 March 2020 as Ms Sinclair takes up a new opportunity in Australia’s internet domain name policy and administration as CEO at auDA.

ECA Chair, Louise Sylvan, said the organisation was extremely well placed to continue its ambitious agenda for consumers.

“We have strong leadership at all levels at Energy Consumers Australia and we are in good hands moving forwards,” Ms Sylvan said.

“Energy is an essential service, critical for the economy and in transition. With all the change taking place, Rosemary has led an influential team through that complexity, ensuring we punch well above our weight on the issues.

“Under Rosemary’s leadership, Energy Consumers Australia has achieved a great deal, particularly in terms of building the evidence base about what consumers think and want.

“Our evidence base about consumer experience and expectations is now embedded and valued in the sector’s decision making in a way that it never has been before, bringing issues about energy affordability, trust and confidence to the fore of the debate about energy.

“We intend to grow from the strong foundations set over the past five years to keep driving better outcomes for energy consumers.”

The Australian Energy Council’s Chief Executive, Sarah McNamara said Ms Sinclair had provided a strong voice for consumers at a time of heightened focus on the delivery of better outcomes for customers.

“In helping establish the role of the ECA, Rosemary was able to work with retailers to support this objective,” Ms McNamara said.

“Rosemary also oversaw the ECA’s role in promoting the Energy Charter, which has been a significant development for the energy sector, and will deliver positive results for customers.”

Energy Networks Australia CEO, Andrew Dillon said “Rosemary has been a constructive advocate for consumers and has supported networks on their journey to improving customer services and outcomes.”

The Board will run an open recruitment process, the details of which will be announced in due course.

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