
The Independent Accountability Panel for the Energy Charter has been appointed, with three new members to join chair Dr Wendy Craik AM.

Dr Cassandra Goldie, Mr Andrew Richards and Mr Phillip Weickhardt join the Independent Accountability Panel, and their appointments have been described as “ is an important governance development for the industry initiative”.

The Energy Charter was officially launched in February this year, with the aim of embedding consumer-minded culture and conduct in energy businesses to create tangible improvements in price and service delivery.

The CEO of Energy Consumers Australia, Rosemary Sinclair AM, said Australian households and businesses who are struggling with energy affordability are looking to energy companies to deliver better outcomes, and to provide strong leadership in a changing energy system.

“The appointment of high-calibre people to support the independent and robust governance of The Energy Charter is critical for consumer and community trust and confidence in the initiative.

“The four-person Independent Accountability Panel brings huge integrity and deep perspectives on the needs of energy consumers with different needs – from residential consumers with vulnerabilities to large business energy users – and experience in organisational culture change, and public policy and governance.

“Consumers will be looking to the Independent Accountability Panel to provide a strong and independent perspective on how the companies that are signed-up to The Energy Charter are serving the needs of households and businesses.”

Ms Sinclair said that with the Independent Accountability Panel in place, the focus now turns to The Energy Charter signatories, who are due to make their first public disclosures to the Independent Accountability Panel by 30 September 2019.

“The first disclosures are an opportunity for the energy companies to progress a new, open and very honest dialogue with consumers and the community to build trust.

“The disclosures will cover how the companies are performing now and provide a signal of clear intent and a trajectory about delivering better outcomes for all consumers.”

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