The Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) State of the Energy Market 2020 report depicts a market in a state of...
Disaster Management
Increasing reliability and reducing wildlife-related fire risk in the power grid
Imogen Hartmann, , Disaster Management, Managing Disruption with AioT and predictive analytics, Networks, Safety and Training, Sponsored Editorial, 0The strategic installation of insulating components and barriers can minimise the impact of wildlife on power grid assets. If...
WA plan to build 15,000 energy-efficient social housing homes
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Energy Efficiency, Features, News, Policy, Projects, Renewable Energy, Retail, Spotlight, Stakeholder Engagement, Sustainability, 0A new plan from WA’s Clean State initiative would see 15,000 energy efficient social housing homes constructed within three...
Fault detection technology prevents powerline fall in Victoria
Kim Ho, , Asset Management, Company news, Condition Assessment, Disaster Management, Electricity, Managing Disruption with AioT and predictive analytics, Networks, News, Safety and Training, Sponsored Editorial, 0An incident in Victoria has shown the importance of Early Fault Detection (EFD) systems, with a broken conductor strand...
AEMO: stronger system resilience needed
Imogen Hartmann, , Disaster Management, Electricity, Managing Disruption with AioT and predictive analytics, Networks, News, Powerlines, Spotlight, 0AEMO has published its 2019-20 National Energy Market (NEM) Summer Operations Review Report, highlighting the need for enhanced energy...
Supporting the transition to high levels of renewables in the NEM
Kim Ho, , Batteries & Storage, COVID-19, Disaster Management, Distributed Generation, Networks, Renewable Energy, Solar, Spotlight, Sustainability, Wind, 0With the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasting that as much as 75 per cent of Australia’s energy could...
Powercor conducts major bushfire mitigation works in Victoria
Kim Ho, , Asset Management, Company news, Disaster Management, Electricity, Managing Disruption with AioT and predictive analytics, News, Projects, Safety and Training, Sponsored Editorial, Spotlight, 0Powercor is rolling out bushfire mitigation programs across regional Victoria using a range of technologies and safety devices. Crews...
Renewables: breaking records and leading the way for economic recovery
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Solar, Sponsored Editorial, Sustainability, 0Despite policy uncertainty and transmission and connection challenges, the number of large-scale renewable projects underway in Australia at the...
Global oil market crash: the implications for energy around the world
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Features, Managing Disruption with AioT and predictive analytics, Retail, 0There have been many economic victims to COVID-19 around the world, and arguably one of the biggest has been...
Renewables sector remains resilient through pandemic
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Energy Efficiency, News, Policy, Projects, Renewable Energy, Solar, Spotlight, Sustainability, Wind, 0The latest report from the Clean Energy Regulator shows that the renewable energy and emissions reduction sectors are retaining...
Negative oil prices = lower electricity prices?
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Features, Retail, 0Oil prices went negative for the first time in history during April. Here, we take a look at some...
Compassionate and positive leadership during COVID-19
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Features, Networks, Renewable Energy, Solar, Sponsored Editorial, Sustainability, Wind, 0CEO of Powershop and Meridian Energy Australia, Jason Stein, outlines strategies to support customers through COVID-19 and to create...
Investment roadmap unveiled for low emissions technologies
Kim Ho, , Batteries & Storage, COVID-19, Disaster Management, Energy Efficiency, News, Policy, Projects, Renewable Energy, Solar, Spotlight, Waste-to-Energy, Wind, 0The Federal Government has released its Technology Investment Roadmap discussion paper, which lays out a plan to help Australia...
Tasmania to use renewables in economic recovery
Kim Ho, , Batteries & Storage, COVID-19, Disaster Management, Hydro Power, Networks, News, Policy, Renewable Energy, Solar, Spotlight, Sustainability, Wind, 0The Tasmanian Government has released its draft Renewable Energy Action Plan, which lays out a strategy to leverage renewable...
Calls for government action on energy efficiency as COVID relief
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Energy Efficiency, Networks, News, Renewable Energy, Spotlight, Sustainability, 0Peak industry bodies have called on state and federal governments to leverage energy efficiency measures as a way to...
$180,000 upgrade for regional Victorian electricity network
Kim Ho, , Asset Management, Company news, Disaster Management, Electricity, News, Powerlines, Safety and Training, Spotlight, 0Electricity distributor Powercor is carrying out critical upgrade works to improve the reliability of the electricity network in regional...
How renewables could jumpstart economy, create 50,000 jobs
Kim Ho, , Batteries & Storage, COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Networks, News, Policy, Renewable Energy, Smart Energy, Solar, Spotlight, Sustainability, Wind, 0The Clean Energy Council has laid out a plan to leverage Australia’s renewable energy and energy storage potential to...
How hydro technology can assist Tasmania’s economic recovery
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Hydro Power, News, Pipelines, Policy, Projects, Renewable Energy, 0New analysis from Hydro Tasmania assesses ways in which the Battery of the Nation project may assist Tasmania’s economic...
Energy metrics from the most volatile quarter in memory
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Networks, News, Policy, Projects, Renewable Energy, Spotlight, Sustainability, 0The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has published its Quarterly Energy Dynamics report for the first quarter of 2020,...
ACCC expands measures to ensure energy sector cooperation
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Networks, News, Policy, Smart Energy, Spotlight, 0The ACCC has expanded the range of measures designed to assist participants across the energy sector to work together...
Powercor runs bushfire safety tests in Ballarat
Kim Ho, , Company news, Disaster Management, Electricity, News, Powerlines, Safety and Training, 0Electricity distributor Powercor has launched a program to test the safety of the area’s energy network from bushfire risk....
New research on implications of two-sided energy market
Kim Ho, , Asset Management, COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Gas, Networks, News, Policy, Spotlight, 0A new Energy Security Board (ESB) paper suggests that a two-sided energy market would allow greater visibility of demand...
G20 Energy Ministers collaborate on market stability during COVID-19
Imogen Hartmann, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Networks, News, Projects, Spotlight, 0The G20 Energy Ministers have held a digital meeting to discuss the stability of global energy markets through the...
2019 a record year in Australian renewable energy uptake
Kim Ho, , Batteries & Storage, COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, News, Policy, Renewable Energy, Retail, Smart Energy, Solar, Spotlight, Sustainability, 0The Clean Energy Council’s latest report shows 2019 was a “remarkable” year for Australia’s renewable energy industry, suggesting renewables...
Solar stimulus forming part of Northern Territory COVID-19 recovery
Kim Ho, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Networks, News, Policy, Renewable Energy, Solar, Spotlight, 0The Northern Territory Government has announced a solar and battery stimulus package, aimed at growing jobs in the sector...
‘Time reversal’ tech to slash power line repair time
Imogen Hartmann, , Disaster Management, Electricity, Networks, News, Powerlines, Smart Energy, Spotlight, 0Monash University researchers have developed new ‘time reversal’ technology which could revolutionise power line repairs. The technology can rapidly...
Energy network relief package announced
Imogen Hartmann, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Gas, Networks, News, Retail, Spotlight, 0A relief package has been announced by energy networks across several states to provide support for those suffering hardship...
Energy industry works to meet AER expectations through COVID-19 pandemic
Imogen Hartmann, , COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, Networks, News, Policy, Spotlight, 0The Federal Government, through the Australian Energy Regulator (AER), has set out reasonable expectations of energy companies in an...
Preventative maintenance must continue through COVID-19 disruptions
Kim Ho, , Asset Management, COVID-19, Disaster Management, Electricity, News, Sponsored Editorial, Spotlight, 0Energy Networks Australia has stressed that in these unprecedented times of uncertainty, it is crucial that preventative maintenance continue...
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Creating a greener future: 5 Australian projects leading the way September 17, 2024
Australia is emerging as a global leader in sustainable development, driven by e...
Leading the way with environmentally friendly switchgear August 13, 2024
Amid growing concerns about its environmental impact, utilities worldwide are se...
Fighting fire with variable speed drives August 13, 2024
Traffic tunnels are dangerous places, but with the addition of two critical piec...
Electric forklifts driving decarbonisation August 13, 2024
As Australia develops the infrastructure required for electrification, Combilift...
Supercharging Queensland’s future August 8, 2024
Brighter Super is committed to supporting Queensland and the energy sector with ...
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