COAG Energy to advise on NEM framework

The Energy Security Board (ESB) has been requested by the COAG Energy Council to advise on a long-term market framework to support the reliability and modification of the National Electricity Market (NEM). 

Necessary modifications would include adjustments to meet the needs of future diverse sources of non-dispatchable generation and flexible resources, including demand side response, storage and distributed energy resource participation.

The ESB is seeking feedback on:

  • The possible future scenarios that will be used when assessing options for change
  • The assessment framework for evaluating market design options
  • The opportunities, challenges and risks that need to be considered as the project looks to identify market design options
  • The implications for market design resulting from these opportunities, challenges and risks

Feedback received will inform the development of the next phase of the post-2025 market design project.

Submission close 30 September 2019.

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