Australia’s first publicly available hydrogen refuelling station has opened in Fyshwick in the ACT, marking a major milestone in the roll-out of zero emissions vehicles.
ACT Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Shane Rattenbury, said the new station will allow hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles on roads alongside battery electric vehicles, helping to advance zero emissions transport options for the state.
“The ACT Government will also use this station to service Australia’s first government fleet of hydrogen vehicles, 20 Hyundai NEXOs, as we continue to transition 100 per cent of our passenger fleet to zero emissions vehicles,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“There are many benefits with hydrogen fuel cell vehicles like these. They have short refuelling times, can be powered by hydrogen made from renewable-energy, and they also purify the air as they drive which will help remove harmful particulates produced by petrol and diesel vehicles.
“The green hydrogen available at the station will be produced using the ACT’s 100 per cent renewable electricity supply, which is made possible by our innovative renewable electricity reverse auctions. The station and the 20 cars are the result of the commitment by Neoen as part of their successful Hornsdale wind farm bid in 2016.
“I would like to congratulate and thank all of our partners on this project. Neoen, ActewAGL, Hyundai and SG Fleet have all worked together to make this project a success.”
Louis de Sambucy, Managing Director of Neoen Australia, said “Neoen is proud to have initiated Australia’s first publicly available hydrogen refuelling station, and we are delighted to see it brought to fruition by our project partner, ActewAGL.
“Neoen has had a long and successful history of supporting the ACT in reaching its 100 per cent renewable energy target by 2020, and in pursuing its ambitious zero emissions target. The delivery of the refuelling station, along with a fleet of 20 Hyundai Nexo hydrogen vehicles, was a commitment made under our contract with the ACT Government for Hornsdale Wind Farm Stage 3.
“Today represents the culmination of hard work from everyone involved to deliver this exciting Australian first, paving the way for the delivery of many more hydrogen refuelling stations across Australia.
“Renewable hydrogen represents an exciting opportunity for the decarbonisation of transport, gas and industrial sectors in the ACT and beyond as we transition towards a high penetration renewable energy electricity grid.”
John Knox, CEO of ActewAGL, said, “ActewAGL is proud to open Australia’s first publicly available hydrogen refuelling station. This is an important step on our pathway to net zero emissions by 2045 as we know transport is currently a major contributor to emissions therefore the move to alternate energy sources in this sector is critical.
“Over the coming months we look forward to servicing the ACT Government’s fleet of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and building our knowledge of the viability of hydrogen use in our transport networks, including longer term logistics and operating costs.
“We would like to thank the ACT Government and Neoen for their partnership on this project as well as ENGV, IVYS, Nel and PDC Machines who all contributed to the design and construction of the station.”