electricity distribution

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has published performance data and an associated infographic for the electricity distribution businesses that reveals a steady decline in customer outages.

The data reflects the key components of the AER’s regulatory determinations for these businesses including important metrics such as:

  • Revenue
  • Regulatory asset base
  • Capital and operating expenditure
  • Service performance
  • Energy delivered
  • Network utilisation

The data covers the period 2006 to 2017 and will be updated annually.

The publication of the performance data will assist stakeholders by providing access to a range of important information about distributors from a single source. Having access to this data should allow stakeholders to better engage with our regulatory processes, assess broad trends in performance and compare the performance of distribution businesses with each other or the performance of a particular business over time.

The publication of the data represents an interim step for the AER in the development of more comprehensive performance reporting for the sector.

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