
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has extended the deadline for submissions on its review into the coordination of generation and transmission investment to 26 April 2019.

Based on preliminary feedback from stakeholders, it was realised that the consultation period for the paper was insufficient, therefore the AEMC is extending the timeframe for receipt of submissions for an extra four weeks.

This extension will give stakeholders more time to consider the complex issues raised in the paper and the related final report of the first review into improving the coordination generation and transmission investment, which was published in December 2018. This extension will also allow the Commission to provide additional information to provide further context for stakeholders. A supplementary information paper will be published on 4 April 2019.

The AEMC is seeking stakeholder feedback on the recommendations set out in the final Coordination of generation and transmission investment 2018 report, in particular:

  • Proposed high level principles for reforming the current access and charging arrangements, including where there are different ways the detailed elements of the proposal could be implemented
  • Sequencing of the reforms
  • Timing for the reforms to come into effect

The AEMC has published a timeline which sets out their intended next steps for the review, the consultation proposed and how stakeholders can be involved. It also shows how the Commission will be developing draft rule changes on the proposed reforms in 2019, to be submitted back to the Commission in 2020 for full assessment through the rule change request process.

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