
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has made a submission to the NSW Legislative Assembly Committee on Environment and Planning’s inquiry into the sustainability of energy supply and resources in NSW.

The Committee is looking at the capacity and economic opportunities of renewable energy, the trends in energy supply and exports, including investment and other financial arrangements, and effects on regional communities, water security, the environment and public health.

The Committee will also consider options to support sustainable economic development in communities affected by changing energy and resource markets, including the role of government policies.

In its submission, the AEMC notes that the energy sector needs investment to deliver sustainable energy supply and resources in NSW. It outlines how the national energy market promotes investment and innovation in technologies that best serve the needs of the system and consumers at least cost.

The submission urges the Committee to consider a number of key points that will help governments, energy institutions, industry, interest groups and other stakeholders play a role in supporting an investment environment that is predictable, flexible and crucial to delivering sustainability of energy supply and resources in NSW.

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