
It is no secret that the energy market is changing, with the growth of intermittent and embedded generation taking on a greater role from conventional generators. Microgrids are also becoming increasingly prevalent in the residential sector, leaving the commercial and industrial sectors as the main users of network services. How these changes will impact on pricing, reliability and emissions, as well as other challenges and opportunities in the energy market will be discussed at the NSW Annual Electric Energy Conference on 27 November 2018 in Sydney.

The theme for NSW Annual Electric Energy Conference, being organised by the Electric Energy Society of Australia (EESA) NSW/ACT Chapter, is “Adapting to the major changes reshaping the electric energy industry” and will feature some excellent speakers to help the sector understand all of the challenges that changes in the energy market is bringing.

The opening session will begin with keynote speaker, Dr Brian Spalding, Commissioner of the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) discussing “Where are we at with the NEG/Finkel Plans”. The AEMC is the rule-maker and developer for the nation’s energy markets. Dr Spalding has had more than 30 years’ experience in power system operations and has had a key role in electricity markets in NSW and nationally since their conception in the early 1990s.

Dr Spalding was also CEO of the National Electricity Market Management Company (NEMMCO), held executive level positions in the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and was an inaugural Board Member of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). He has a great understanding of the operation of Australia’s energy marketplace and will update attendees on where the National Energy Market is at with the NEG/Finkel Plans and its management. Following Dr Spaldings presentation, there will be a Q&A session, hosted by EESA National President, Dr Robert Barr.

The second part of the opening session will have a number of senior executives from TransGrid, Ausgrid, Endeavour, Essential or Evoenergy, who will provide an update on how their company is dealing with the many issues associated with “Electricity network transformation and the new business opportunities” being created by all the changes occurring across the electricity market. This transition will require significant new technical, commercial and workforce capabilities within electricity network businesses as they become enabling platforms for all the various types of distributed energy resources.

Following these presentations, there will be a joint Q&A session where all speakers will offer their views on the questions raised by the conference attendees.

Many issues will be raised and discussed in this opening session, covering many different points of view with attendees set to have their views challenged by the speakers.

This is a conference not to be missed. The EESA invites you to come, listen, participate, question, network and most of all, be informed.

For more information on the EESA NSW 2018 Conference and to register, visit

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