Fossil Fuel

The ACT Government is taking proactive measures to address the transition away from fossil fuels, by seeking community input to ensure the transition is done in a way that is equitable and inclusive.

The transition away from gas is part of the ACT’s efforts to become a net zero emissions city by 2045. Fossil fuel gas currently accounts for more than 20 per cent of the ACT’s greenhouse gas emissions.

ACT Chief Minister and Minister for Climate Action, Andrew Barr, said, “The ACT took a nation leading step in announcing our intention to electrify our city and transition off fossil fuel gas over the next two decades. 

“The government is committed to managing the transition in a way that supports Canberrans with the shift to a more sustainable future,” Mr Barr said.

“The cost of gas is more than likely to grow in the coming decades. All-electric buildings are not only a better choice for the environment, but they’re also better for future building users, and will save people money on energy costs.

Mr Barr said he wants to continue to hear from Canberrans on this transition project. The pathway towards a net zero emissions city is a long-term project, and the Government will continue to do what we can to support Canberrans to make the everyday climate choice that will make a difference.

“The regulation to prevent new gas network connections is an important step in our work to make sure Canberra is a thriving net zero emissions city by 2045 and is a significant change for the ACT community,” Mr Barr said.

ACT Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Shane Rattenbury, said more Canberrans than ever are electrifying their homes, which is great for our environment and for homeowners who are saving on energy costs. 

“At the same time, approximately 80 per cent of all new homes in the ACT are still connected to gas – those homes will need to be electrified by 2045,” Mr Rattenbury said.

“The proposed regulation is an important step in readying our city for an all-electric future and I look forward to hearing community ideas on how we achieve the best outcome for Canberra households, businesses, and industry.

“There are already a variety of supports available for Canberrans looking to electrify their homes and businesses. This includes zero-interest loans as part of the Sustainable Household Scheme, rebates for low-income households to switch from gas to electric heating through the Home Energy Support Program, and rebates for small to medium businesses through the Sustainable Business Program.”

An Issues Paper is now available on YourSay Conversations and the ACT Government is seeking community views to better understand impacts of a change like this on all members of our community.

Community feedback will support the development of the regulation, which will commence in the second half of 2023. For more information on the consultation, visit

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