
The Victorian Government has announced a $205 million boost to its $250 Power Saving Bonus, which has already been delivered to one million households. 

The announcement follows popular uptake of the program since it was implemented on 1 July 2022. 

Over the past month, one million Victorians have applied for the $250 one-off payment, which can be claimed by visiting the Victorian Energy Compare website and comparing energy offers to see if there is a better deal on offer, or by engaging with a participating community outreach partner.

User data indicates that over the past 12 months, seven out of every ten program users saved an average of $330 by switching energy offers.

The program is expected to provide significant relief to Victoria’s 400,000 concession card holders.

Victorian Minister for Energy, Lily D’Ambrosio, said all Victorian households will be eligible for the Power Saving Bonus. 

“Three weeks after launching this bill busting bonus, we are proud to have supported one million Victorian households with their energy bills while helping them find the cheapest deal available,” Ms D’Ambrosio said. 

“We know Victorian families are doing it tough, so we’re topping up the $250 Power Saving Bonus program to make sure no one misses out.”

The Power Saving Bonus will be available until 30 June 2023.

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